National Breastfeeding Month

National Breastfeeding Month!

The New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force celebrates the month of August as National Breastfeeding Month. Scroll down to check out our local, national, and international events! Click below for more information.

World Breastfeeding Week (1st - 7th)

National WIC Breastfeeding Week (1st-7th)

Indigenous Milk Medicine Week (8th -14th)

Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Week (15th - 21st)

Black Breastfeeding Week (25th - 31st)

 Lactancia Latina  (September 5-11)

Thank you to our sponsors:

Week 1: World Breastfeeding Week 1st-7th

          ​​Week 1 (August 1-7): World Breastfeeding Week
Theme: Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All

Week 1 (1st-7th) National WIC Breastfeeding Week


Week 2: Indigenous Milk Medicine Week 8-14

          ​​​Week 2 (August 8-14): Indigenous Milk Medicine Week
Theme: Mind. Body. Milk Medicine.

Week 3: Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Breastfeeding Week 15th-21st

Theme: Bridging the Gaps for AANHPI Families

Week 4: Black Breastfeeding Week 25th-31st

Theme: 2024 Theme: Listen Up! Reclaiming Our Narrative & Centering Our Stories for Breastfeeding Justice

Week 5: Latino Breastfeeding Week Lactancia Latina September 5th-11th

2024 Tema: Reclamando Nuestra Cultura Por Medio de la Lactancia
2024 Theme: Reclaiming Culture Through Lactation

Local Events:

ENIPC WIC and Breastfeeding Awareness Health Fair
August 1st 9-1pm
Santa Claran Event Center
406 n Riverside Drive Espanola NM 87532
Otero County WIC WBW Event
Thursday August 1st 10-12pm
1207 8th Street Alamogordo
WBW event with Las Cruces WIC office
8/6/2024 10-1pm
1170 N Solano Dr. Las Cruces NM 88001
Twirl Breastfeeding CelebrationCelebrating Breastfeeding families as a community at Twirl Toystore and Playspace. This Annual Celebration for Taos is a place for support, connection, celebration and raising awareness about Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding. Information and resources will be available.

Deming Literacy Center
August 8th 10-12pm
2301 s Tin St. Deming NM 88030 Contact at: 575-546-9254

Santo Domingo WIC Program

August 14th 2-6pm

For more info call or text 505-350-6639

Virtual Events:

National Breastfeeding Month 2024: Celebrating the Weekly Observances!" webinar on Monday, July 29, from 2-3 p.m. ET. This webinar will feature presentations from the organizers of Indigenous Milk Medicine Week; Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Breastfeeding Week; Workplace Lactation Week, and Semana de la Lactancia Latina.

Virtual Community Forum!
Current and up-and-coming AANHPI lactation professional community members will share about their journey to becoming lactation professionals. It will be a casual discussion with an opportunity to engage the audience in how we as a community can bridge the gap in lactation resources for our AANHPI communities.
Details are below:
Date: Friday, August 16, 2024
Time: 1-3 PM PST
Location: Zoom
Registration Link: